Friday, July 17, 2009

A Girl Gone Wild

Hello family and friends!! Maybe you remember me??
I used to be this sweet, little, innocent baby, and now I
have morphed into a real-life, wrecking machine.
Give me three minutes in any room in the house
and I will have a. all the toilet paper unraveled from a roll
b. every article of clothing, diapers, and shoes pulled out of
my dressers c. all books, toys, and drawing materials scattered about
(and may even tattoo myself while I am at it-as evidenced in the first pic!)
Enjoy my pics and come visit me on the beach.
Luv, Ani
It has been four months since the last post so there is quite a back log of
photos. So far summer has been quite a treat
(at least for Anya and Dad- B is in her peak work season), and you
can tell she may be spending a little too much time with Daddy
Here are a couple examples: 1. She gets close to a tree and
sticks her belly out pretending to pee standing up. 2. After a big bite
of food she opens her mouth and says Ahhh for all to see.
3. If Anya approves of you she will come up to the side of you and
pat your back a couple times (Its really cute). Very guy-like.

Anyways, give a call if you want more stories and ask for Rebecca-
she is much better at talking on the phone.

Enjoy your summer,
B, E, and A

***News Flash***
Ani just went poop for the first time today in her potty and has used it
to pee for three days in a row. Daddy day care ain't that bad!

Yes, it has been four months since the blog was updated.
(Brinnon and Anya hanging with Nanny Karen in the front yard)

On a spring stroll with Halene DeJager in WI.

Funny stories with buddy Bri.

This is the "Estelle look", reincarnated from Great-Grandma Holmstrom.

Work from the home office today.

Waiting for breakfast.

Cyndi Lauper, Duluth-style.

B's DNR co-workers kids.

Waiting for the Easter Bunny.

Keepin' em contained.

Doesn't get much better.

Ani stands by the porch door and whines

A Mother's Day Hike

Post-Bath, Pre-Bedtime ritual, All Star wrestling
with the ever-patient Jaz.

Sleeping Beauties

Some beach time with Grandpa Dick.

California Cool with Auntie Lissi

Baptism at Peace Church with Pastor Kathy

Finally, a purified family.

Part of Anya's support network.


Sporting the cabin-style, red-neck, Iron Range outfit.

Daddy Day Care

Instructions from Papa Aldo

Thanks Nanny Karen!

No comment needed.

Cruising with her boyfriend, Tor Tor.
Sorry buddy, ain't gonna be happening for 16 more years.

Washable markers= Genius

Inventory check for the boat-in camp site.

Livin the good life. 4th of July at Bear Head Lake State Park.

Looks like dad dressed her today.

Waiting for a boat ride with Jess.

Following in her Uncle Mike's footsteps.

Front porch vittles.

Sand gets into the darndest places.

Get your motor running.

Strawberry picking/eating overdose.
Heaven on Earth for Anya.

P.S. There are hundreds of pics if you click on the 17-20 Month link.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

I'm not a baby anymore!!!

Looking back at the most recent post (December 14th), it is amazing to see what 3 months can do to an infant. There was one day when it all kind of hit me that our little baby girl is growing up way too fast (sometimes not fast enough). I was watching Anya walking by in these red boots and bibs saying hi to Chumley, waving at herself in the mirror and then grabbing a book and going to sit down and read with Jaz and I realized she was no longer an infant. Anya is a toddler (Grandma Mary insists she is at a 2 year old level, but I'm sure all grandparents think that of their grandkid is advanced!). Anya says words (most recent is cheerios and thank you) with a new word every day, throws minor temper tantrums, and does not stop moving, climbing, and playing. She is a trip. Here are a few pics to update a neglected blog.

Daddy's sous-chef

Harassing a sick Grandpa at Christmas

It's gettin hot in here.

One of Great-Grandma Kay's favorite Christmas presents

Wow! The dolphin show is cool.

Really Lissi? I get to be a big cousin!

It is not all fun and games with Ani. Snotty, sick and short-tempered.

Braving the arctic tundra, aka Park Point, Duluth.

Rosey cheeks

Not sure about this guy.

Shake and Bake

The ultimate recliner.

The next ultimate recliner. Gramps sharing his throne.

Enjoying her Italian heritage.

The first steps of a future explorer/mountaineer.

Doesn't get much better than books and Grandma time.

Hula Girl

Getting ready for a walk.

Driving boats at the aquarium.

Cheese for dinner.

Morning basket time while mom and dad snooze.

Quality time with buddy Brinnon and Nanny Karen.

I'm not a baby anymore:(